5 Star Rating

β€œTheir entire staff is knowledgeable and professional”

by June S | Google Reviews

I’ve been going to Spa Aesthetic for services for at least 12 years now, and I would not think of going anywhere else. Their entire staff is knowledgeable and professional. They are always eager to answer my numerous questions and always call to check up on me after receiving services. The fact that they are owned by a well respected Plastic Surgeon in the community is an added bonus that puts my mind at ease that the entire staff is properly trained in the services they provide.


Visia Skin AnalysisSpa Aesthetica offers State-of-the Art Computerized skin analysis using the newest Visia Complexion Analysis System. Wrinkles, UV-sun damage, age spots, pores and evenness are instantly identified allowing customized treatments as well as the ability to monitor improvements over time.

Visia provides the most comprehensive means available for identifying all aspects of your skins health.

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✨ 9 days post-CO2 Lite and just look at that glow! ✨

Our bride-to-be’s brown spots are gone, and her skin is smooth, radiant, and ready for the big day! πŸ’πŸ’–

Our expert providers created a custom treatment plan to get her to these flawless results.

CO2 Lite is the ultimate game changer for your skin! One of the best investments you can make for a brighter, youthful complexion. 🌟

Ready to glow like this? ✨

Book your consultation today and let’s start your skincare journey!

Call/ text us: πŸ“± 714-997-5200
🌎 www.SpaAesthetica.com
πŸ“§ info@SpaAesthetica.com
πŸ“ Orange County, CA

Spa Aesthetica Medical Spa & Wellness

Combing Art and Science to Rejuvenate the Mind, Body, and Spirit.

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Hold up... 🧐 our patient has started aging backward... and we think we know why! πŸ™Š

✨ Her skin is smoother and tighter.
πŸ‘‰ 1 session of Full Face CO2 Lite
✨ CO2 laser resurfacing stimulated her collagen and removed excess skin.

✨You may also notice that her eyes look brighter and she looks less tired!
πŸ‘‰ Upper Blepharoplasty with Dr. Reichner.
✨ Dr. Reichner removed excess upper eyelid skin for a natural-looking eye brightener.

Our surgery-turned-med spa patient has invested in herself and her confidence with small touches. The overall result is natural, and she looks like a younger, refined version of herself! We are so excited and honored to be a part of her aesthetic journey!

Book with our Aesthetic Specialists today ⬇️

Call/ text us: πŸ“± 714-997-5200
🌎 www.SpaAesthetica.com
πŸ“§ info@SpaAesthetica.com
πŸ“ Orange County, CA

Spa Aesthetica Medical Spa & Wellness

Combing Art and Science to Rejuvenate the Mind, Body, and Spirit since 2004.

#beforeandafter #CO2Laser #UpperBlepharoplasty #ConfidenceBoost #NaturalResults #SpaAesthetica
#plasticsurgery #medspa

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    Dr. Daniel Reichner has experience and training in all aspects of Plastic Surgery including cosmetic, laser, reconstructive, microsurgery, pediatric, and hand surgery.

    Your Computerized Skin Analysis procedure will be performed in Dr. Reichner's surgery center located in Orange County, CA.

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